Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I love fried chicken. How can you not, really? Frying pretty much makes everything better, and KFC's genetically enhanced chickens are no exception. Given the choice though, I'd probably take Popeye's spicy chicken, but KFC is more ubiquitous so I can always count on finding one.

In lieu of chicken off the bone, a good chicken breast sandwich is always a nice option to break the monotony of fast food visits. The best, I think, is the Southern Style Chicken Sandwich from McDonald's. Just a breaded chicken breast and a couple pickles on their plain hamburger buns.

That is, until this:

Yes, it's bacon, Swiss and pepper jack cheeses an the Colonel's sauce (that sounds like a bad euphemism) sandwiched between two Original Recipe filets. If that doesn't sound delicious, I don't know what does.

I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to try one.

The Twitterverse has been all abuzz of this new sandwich monstrosity. Apparently they're rolling it out in Rhode Island and Nebraska before it spreads to the masses. When it comes to obesity-inducing foods, those are where the taste-makers reside. I guess it's like when indie movies have a limited release in LA and New York so it can spread by word of mouth to the flyover states.

Since it's highly unlikely I'll ever get to Rhode Island or Nebraska any time soon, I hope this spreads long enough for me to try it at the North Hollywood KFC.

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