Friday, February 20, 2009

I like meat between my bread

I love sandwiches. They are, perhaps, the single greatest culinary invention. This is mostly due to their versatility as configuration allows for infinite possibilities of deliciousness. They're customizable for staunch meat eaters (a good steak and egg on a French roll, anyone?) or vegetarians (avocado, sprouts and cheese). I'm sure vegans have a form of sandwich, but as you will find, extra research will not be a staple of this blog.

Rarely, if ever, will I claim a sandwich to be the best, period. I will only offer my opinion as to the relative deliciosity (I'll make up words, too) of each individual sandwich within the sphere of my personal sandwich experiences. I recognize I do not have the diverse and vast backgrounds with every type of meat and bread combination to accurately weigh in on the grandness of such statements. The sandwiches that will follow are simply sandwiches that I enjoy, and I hope you will, too.

Depending on how ambitious or lazy I may be, this blog will document the best (and maybe worst) sandwiches found around the Valley, LA and the rest of the country (as appropriate). I welcome any tips on tasty sandwich providers around the city, as I'm always on the lookout for quality meats between bread.

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